episode 162 | Construction Industry | Podcast | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

episode 162 – if you build it, they will come

Doug Houser, Rea’s construction king, joins us again on unsuitable on Rea Radio to talk about the construction & real estate industry and what the future looks like for the sector.

As we head into 2019, there’s a lot you need to know if you are in the real estate and construction industries. New nexus laws will greatly impact these industries, they require unique tax planning strategies, and some experts are predicting that the multi-family housing market has peaked.

We’re joined again by Doug Houser, Rea’s new director of construction and real estate services. Doug is the perfect person to help us navigate these changes because he has spent over 20 years specializing in construction and real estate, in both the banking industry and public accounting.

Finding The Right Bank For Building

A construction company’s financial statements look very different than, say, a manufacturer’s. So if you are in construction or real estate, make sure your bank understands your industry and your business. The industry is doing extremely well right now, so a misunderstanding with your bank that disrupts cash flow is the last thing you need.

If you are part of the construction or real estate industries, you will be interested in these other topics discussed in this episode:

  • Why quality of information is a premium in the construction industry – and the consequences of not having quality information.
  • How new Nexus laws will likely affect construction and real estate.
  • Has the multi-family housing market peaked?
  • What you need to consider when it comes to estate planning, exit planning, and succession planning

If you liked this episode of unsuitable on Rea Radio, let us know by hitting the like button or by sharing it with your followers on social media. You can also use #ReaRadio to join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter, and you can watch the podcast in action on the Rea & Associates YouTube channel. We’ve also included access to additional resources on our website at yml.elahomecollection.com.

**Check out last week’s podcast, episode 161 – better banking relationships… or bust! for an in depth overview about banking relationships and how business owners should be taking advantage of them**


articles & insight

Financing The Gap – Will you have enough cash on hand to fuel your business if and when you need it? A well-structured line of credit provides you with room for growth and can be established by implementing a borrowing base or working capital covenant.

Find And Keep Top Talent In Today’s Economy – Today’s labor statistics tell many stories. But, if you’re an employer, the one you should be paying attention to is the one that asks you to consider what it is you are doing to differentiate your company from the competition when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent.

Webinar | Your State And Local Tax Questions Answered – This special webinar shines some light on the latest in state and local tax from the recent Wayfair ruling to real-life horror stories.

Looking For The Next Level Of Business Success? – Start putting your effort and resources toward this particular strategy because positive results are sure to come!

official transcript

Click here to read the official transcript for episode 162, “if you build it, they will come”